Starting your own business is an accomplishment, but it's just the first step. It's even more important to have a company that people take seriously. You've developed a solid and trusted business offline, but you're not sure where to begin online. Building an online business often means you're on your own and starting from scratch — no IT department to set up your email, no design guru to make a logo, no professional writer to craft website copy. So most bootstrapped entrepreneurs use their current resources to get things going, like utilizing a personal email address and phone number for business interactions. Everyone will have an opinion about your business, so it's important to be buttoned up - both online and in-person. If your website doesn't work properly, or if your business' number connects to your personal cell phone - you'll likely turn away potential customers. So for those businesses struggling with being seen as equal or better than those bigger businesses, here are three simple ways you can make your small business look more professional.
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